The Health Benefits of Omega 3, 6 and 9

The omega oils are the polyunsaturated fatty acids that have been proven to have extensive health benefits based on a number of different studies.

The omega oils are also sometimes referred to as omega fatty acids. The omega oils are essential to the human body for survival. However, the body does not produce the omega oils on its own. The omega oils must come from the food in a balanced diet.

Research indicates that people who maintain a regular diet that is high in the omega oils live longer, healthier lives than people who do not get the recommended amount of these essential oils.

There are a number of different options available if you would like to increase the amount of the omega oils in your regular diet.

The Health Benefits from Consuming Omega Oils

The omega oils have been known to reduce blood pressure, decrease the chances of heart disease, and improve the health of the nails and skin. In addition, the omega oils also have anti-inflammatory benefits.

Some of the omega oils, like Omega 3, are high in fibre and additional nutrients that improve overall physical health. Other types of the omega oils, such as Omega 6, are found in linoleic acid, which is an essential fatty acid that is derived from certain plants.

Not only does the body need a certain amount of the omega oils to survive, it needs the correct ration of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids in order to prevent disease. The majority of people have a ratio that is much too high. Health care professionals think that the ration needs to be lowered to only four portions of Omega 6 for every one portion of Omega 3. If possible, a one to one ratio is best.

Common Sources of Omega Oils

Winter squash, soy, canola, walnuts and flax seeds are all high in Omega 3. These foods can be eaten directly or converted to supplements like flax seed oil. The omega oils also come from corn, pumpkin, blue-green algae, wheat germ and spinach.

Many people believe that you have to take a supplement such as fish oil to get the omega oils that you need; however, it is possible to get these essential fatty acids from plant sources.

Several kinds of fish are high in the omega oils, in addition to providing several other important nutrients. About two portions of fatty fish every week should be enough to keep essential fatty acids at a healthy level.

Keep in mind that some types of fish have a higher mercury content than others, such as albacore, swordfish and shark, and should be eaten sparingly.

Foods High in Omega Oils

  1. Flax Seeds
  2. Halibut
  3. Salmon
  4. Scallops
  5. Shrimp
  6. Snapper

These varieties are typically found at many major grocery chains in canned, dried, fresh and frozen varieties. Finish your plate off with a healthy portion of vegetables for a hearty and delicious meal.

Remember that fish is most beneficial to your health if it is baked, steamed or broiled, as opposed to fried. Mix a little flax seed oil in with your fish to enhance flavour and add additional omega oils.

The Benefits of Omega 3

Medical studies show that Omega 3 fatty acids effectively decrease the risk for heart disease. It has also been found that these essential oils help those who are afflicted with an autoimmune disorder. In addition, Omega 3 fatty acids may also help to regulate the moods of individuals stricken with manic depression or other mood disorders.

The Benefits of Omega 6

Omega 6 fatty acids are essential for brain growth and development. Research indicates that low levels of Omega 6 may possibly make children more susceptible to disorders such as ADHD.

However, too much Omega 6 has been suspected of causing problems such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, depression and heart disease. In addition, Omega 6 may be effective in decreasing the levels of cholesterol in the body, both good and bad varieties. Too much Omega 6 has also been linked to depression.

The Benefits of Omega 9

Omega 9 fatty acids, which are found most readily in olive oil, have a number of health benefits to offer, including lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing resistance to insulin, improving glucose maintenance, improving immune system and protecting against several types of cancer.

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