Low Fat Recipe Ideas

Any balanced diet plan needs a few basic low fat recipes that include all the necessary nutrients to keep the body slim and healthy and at the same time are quick and easy to prepare. Such a diet needs to include items from all the food groups, namely carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and fats.

Studies have shown that oils and fats need to be consumed sparingly, which means that the diet you plan should include food items that contain either low or saturated fat.

Fat Content Should Be Less Than 30%

It is said that the amount of calories that you may consume in the form of fat should not exceed more than 30%. However, it is important to remember that a low fat diet does not necessarily mean a ‘no-fat’ diet. Similarly, food that is low in fat content may not essentially be a healthy food or have a less fattening effect.

You may often come across foods that have very little fat but may have high sugar content. These foods are not good for general health and thus it is equally important to choose foods that are low in sugar. A basic low fat recipe can be an ideal way to reduce your fat and get rid of the excessive pounds in a healthy way.

The extent of dieting, food planning and exercises vary from person to person, depending on the nature of their obesity and other related symptoms. In such cases, it is advisable to speak to a dietitian or a doctor for some specific diet plan or other measures that might be required.

However, a basic low fat recipe can be followed by all those who want to get rid of that extra bit of flab from their bodies and attain a perfect figure.

Moderation is The Key For Successful Weight Loss

A common myth about weight loss diets says that we have to give up all our favorite foods and follow a strict and bland diet. However, this is not always true and you can have your favorite dessert even if you are on a diet plan.

A little bit of prudence by moderating your fat intake and substituting high fat foods with a balanced diet is all that you are required to do. These small changes make a lot of difference in tackling your weight problems.

While preparing your basic low fat recipe be cautious to avoid dairy foods such as cream, cheese, ice creams, butter and whole milk. Red meat and oils also have high fat contents, although some oils and butter may contain lower saturated fat.

Egg yolks and processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages, salami and bologna also need to be consciously avoided to stick to a low fat dietary plan.

Instead, you may complete your basic low fat recipe by adding lots of fruits and green vegetables, cereals, nuts and seeds, fish and lean meat, including shellfish. Vegetables oils such as olive oil or canola oil are ideal to replace butter and help you in sticking to a low fat recipe.

Instead of sauces and fat laden toppings, use herbs and spices to flavor foods. Using fat free or low fat ingredients and making some simple changes in the ways of cooking can be very effective in maintaining a low fat diet. Broiling, braising, poaching, grilling and steaming can be good ways to keep the oil and fat levels in the foods in control.

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