Men’s Health and Fitness Benefits

It is a common misconception that men’s fitness is all about having a good physique. However, fitness involves a more holistic approach that concentrates on the overall fitness of the body, mind, and soul. An active and stress-free mind is as necessary as a healthy body for getting ahead in a tough and competitive world that does not recognize failure.

A healthy body and mind helps men maintain a healthy lifestyle, sustain their relationships with families, friends, and business associates, and of course improve their sexual performance.

Getting fit is a commitment

The path leading to a high level of men’s fitness is sometimes thought to be so tough to traverse that most men give up the idea within a span of few weeks. So, before you start your fitness regimen, it is important to recognize that it is seldom an easy task.

Apart from allocating around half an hour for exercise from your daily schedule, it will also require motivation, determination, and the will to rise above the problems that you might face especially during the first few weeks.

Health benefits of keeping fit

Men’s fitness levels are determined by the ability to ward off infections as well as reduce the risks of life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart problems, Alzheimer’s, osteoarthritis, diabetes and cataracts.

Depending on your schedule and preference, you can follow any of the commonly recommended fitness programs such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, running, cycling, or any other aerobic exercises to help increase the performance of your heart, lungs and other muscles of your body.

If you find it boring to follow the same routine repeatedly, you can allocate different days of a week for different activities such as jogging on Mondays, cycling on Tuesdays, and so on. If you find these activities difficult, you can opt for less demanding fitness programs such as Yoga and Tai Chi.

If followed in accordance with a routine, these alternative programs can deliver the same results as more intense physical activities, while being less demanding on the body.

Performing weight-training exercises for twenty to thirty minutes in the gym can also increase men’s fitness levels, apart from the health benefits it also helps provide an attractive shape to the body.

For a complete body makeover, you need to do squats and calf raises for the legs, crunches for the abdominal muscles, bench presses for the chest, pull ups for the backside, bench dips and bicep curls for the arms, and use the military press to shape the shoulders.

Depending on your strength and stamina, light weights should be used in repetitions of 13 or more, medium weights in the range of 7 to 12, and heavy weights in the range of 1 to 6.

Any fitness program should be complemented by an intake of the right kind of foods. Fitness experts typically recommend food that is less starchy, low in fat and high in proteins, vitamins, and other micronutrients.

You also need to allocate about 15 to 20 minutes for relaxation after your fitness regimen. This will help your body in recuperating the lost energy and leave you with a refreshed feeling for the rest of the day.

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