4 Popular Athletic Running Events

For anyone interested in running for fitness or weight loss, athletic running events are a fun way to achieve your goals. Several different types of athletic running events take place all around the world.

If you are serious about athletic running, and truly devoted to the sport, there is no doubt that you will be able to find an athletic running event that is suited for you.

Athletic running events may be nothing more than a simple race around the block at a neighborhood party or company picnic. Other athletic running events are not quite so simple, such as major marathons, long distance runs and cross-country runs.

When you first begin with athletic running, it is important to be aware of your fitness level and running skills. You can aim for the major marathons and long distance runs, but it is best if you start out small. Join a local running club, which often hold smaller events more geared toward a beginner’s level. Ask about larger events, but attend them first as a spectator before you sign up.

Running magazines are a great source for information on all different types of athletic running events. You can find news related to athletic running and information about upcoming athletic running events. You can get a list of races, as well as information about the locations of various athletic running events. The Internet is also a helpful tool for finding information about athletic running events.

1: Fell Running

Women fell running
Women fell running

Fell running is sometimes called hill running or mountain running. This type of athletic running is done over upland country, off road. The greatest component of difficulty in this type of running is the gradient climbed.

If you want to participate in fell running events, it is important that you have substantial skills for navigating through mountain regions, and always remember to bring your first aid and survival equipment with you for each event.

2: Track and Field

Men running at a track and field event
Men running at a track and field event

Track and field athletic running events are a combination of sport events, including jumping, throwing, sprinting, walking and running. These organized events date back as far as the ancient Olympic Games of the eighth century. Track and field events are a major part of the Summer Olympics still to this day.

3: Road Running

Road running marathon event
Road running marathon event

Road running is a type of athletic running event that takes place over a measured course on an established roadway, instead of cross-country terrain or a track. Road running athletic running events generally range in distance from five kilometers and up, such as in marathons and half marathons. In addition, a great number of road running events involve wheelchair participants or a larger number of runners.

Road running presents the event participant with many different challenges, such as sharp curves, hills, inclement weather, varied terrain and running with a large group of people. It is important to have a good aerobic fitness level to participate in this type of athletic running event, especially in long distance events.

4: Cross-Country Running

Man cross-country running
Man cross-country running

Cross-country running is a type of athletic running event that allows runners to compete on a course over rough or open terrain. The cross-country terrain generally includes mud, hills, water, grass, flat ground and woodlands. Cross-country athletic running events are quite popular and typically take place in winter and autumn in the more temperate regions around the globe, when the soft underfoot conditions reign.

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