The Health Benefits of Physical Exercise

Female Jogger

There are plenty of benefits of physical exercise, ranging from pure enjoyment all the way to prolonging life through a healthier heart.

The Health Benefits of Physical Exercise

The benefits of physical exercise are plentiful, including improving and maintaining a healthy heart. One of the benefits of physical exercise is that makes the heart muscle bigger and stronger, which allows it to do its job more efficiently.

The benefits of physical exercise are so great that even just a little boosts your HDL cholesterol, which is also referred to often as the good cholesterol.

In addition, another of the benefits of physical exercise is that it also helps the circulatory system do its job better while lowering blood fats and blood pressure. One of the greatest of the benefits of physical exercise is the effectiveness it has on reducing the risk for heart attack, stroke and heart disease.

The benefits of physical exercise go well beyond the heart. The benefits of physical exercise also include strengthening muscles, increasing flexibility and strengthening bones. This helps prevent osteoporosis, which is a disorder that causes thinning of the bones.

Physical Exercise Can Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The benefits of physical exercise on a regular basis also include an impact on mental health benefits as well, such as anxiety and stress relief. It promotes more quality sleep, which effectively increases energy.

Practically anyone can take advantage of the benefits of physical exercise. However, year after year, research indicates that the majority of people are simply not active enough. Hundreds of thousands of people are dying every year because they do not take advantage of the benefits of physical exercise on a regular basis.

With all of the major advances in technology, more and more new devices are being created on an almost daily basis that are designed to reduce manual effort. It comes as no surprise that physical activity is so limited.

In addition, many people are under the impression that taking advantage of the benefits of physical exercise must be strenuous and difficult to really be effective.

However, the truth is that simple physical activities, such as working in your garden, provide positive health effects.

Physical Exercise Helps Maintain A Healthy Body Weight

Taking advantage of the benefits of physical exercise is a healthy and fun way to manage weight control. By burning off more calories than you take in, you will be able to lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy body weight.

In fact, you only have to burn three thousand five hundred calories to lose one pound. The more strenuous the physical activity, the faster you will burn off the calories.

However, you can burn the same amount of calories with a lower impact activity, if you practice it more often with longer sessions than a higher impact activity. Either way, the benefits of physical exercise are substantial.

The benefits of physical exercise include several body trimming effects. It displaces fat and helps build muscles. By building muscle through taking advantage of the benefits of physical exercise, you will be more successful with your diet plan.

When you reduce your caloric intake, your metabolism slows down and does not burn off the calories as quickly. This is why several people cut back on the calories, but still do not lose weight. One of the benefits of physical exercise is that it helps build muscles that continue to burn calories even when you are not exercising, which keeps the body’s metabolism working hard at a steady pace.

A List of Common Physical Exercises

In order to keep your body running in the best shape possible, choose a well balanced diet combined with regular physical exercise. There are several different physical exercises that will keep you healthy and strong, such as:

  1. Walking – Walking is probably the most common physical exercise because it is aerobically demanding, but does not put a lot of stress on the heart, muscles and joints.
  2. Running – Running requires an abundance of stamina and output of energy.
  3. Swimming – Swimming is a gentle exercise that takes the stress off the joints and muscles.
  4. Cycling – Cycling is a low impact exercise that is great for beginner fitness programs.
  5. Basketball – Basketball requires a lot of endurance and energy as well as moderate agility, good hand-eye coordination and intense concentration.

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