What is Progressive Overload Training?

Wasted Hours At The Gym

One of the greatest irritations for trainers are the members of the gym who work out five or six times a week for an hour or so at a time, doing the exact same workout routine with the exact same weights, repetitions, sets and effort that they have done for many, many years.

These members of the gym never see any changes to their body in spite of the hours they spend working out at the gym each week.

In some cases, the individual is simply erroneously telling themselves that it can take years before noticing a change in the body from weight training, and accept that it is so. Other individuals become discouraged when they do not see the results that they hoped for and simply quit training all together.

It is true that there are some individuals who are only working out to maintain their present physique and keep the lean muscle tissue that they have, all the while avoiding the accumulation of body fat. However, it should not take five or six hours each week to accomplish such a goal unless you are not sticking to any type of nutritional plan at all.

For anyone who is looking to change his or her physical appearance, the main reason for failure is lack of effort. Instead of sticking to their guns and creating progressive overload to force their body to do more than it is used to, these people are just going through the motions unchanged.

The human body is not going to change if you do not force it to through progressive overload. Just like with anything else in life, you only get back as much as you give. If you do not put in the effort that is required for effective training, including progressive overload, then there is no chance of you being able to reap the benefits of the body-changing rewards that come with regular exercise.

What Is Progressive Overload?

The concept of progressive overload refers to the increasing demand on the musculoskeletal system to consistently increase muscle size, endurance and strength. If you do not practice progressive overload, your muscles are not going to grow any stronger or bigger beyond their present state.

Progressive overload, although a simple concept, is crucial to making the changes in your body that you desire. In fact, progressive overload is the foundation on which resistance training has been built.

How the Theory of Progressive Overload Works

To put it in simpler terms, if you want your muscles to grow bigger and stronger, then you have to constantly lift more and more weight, making your muscles work harder and harder than they are accustomed to. Equally, if the demand on your muscles is not maintained, the muscles become weaker and smaller.

Who Uses Progressive Overload?

Anyone who is looking for a way to effectively build strong large muscles should include progressive overload training into their regular workout. Progressive overload surprises the muscles so they do not become weak and bored from performing the same exercises over and over.

The only way to get the strong, healthy body that you desire is by incorporating progressive overload into your regular workout routine. By giving your muscles something to work up to, you are making them stronger and bigger than they would ever get with general exercise.

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