The Top 5 Exercises For Building Strength

Large barbell

Building muscle is an endeavor that offers a handful of benefits. For one, it ensures that muscles are constantly developed so that they do not waste away. Loss of muscle mass, as you probably already know, can be particularly disconcerting as it inhibits your movements and makes you more prone to accidents.

Secondly, building muscle helps the dangerously skinny people as the activity helps in gaining weight. Of course, building muscle is an integral part of weight loss efforts as well, as working the muscles burns considerable amounts of fats that are stored in the middle and lower regions of your body.

But which muscle building exercises should you implement to achieve the best results?

1) The Squat

Squats are considered crucial in building muscle as it aids in strengthening the muscles that are found in the body’s lower regions. Bear in mind that you can develop all the upper body muscle you want. However, if the mass can’t be properly supported because strong and developed leg and buttock muscles are lacking, then all your muscle building efforts will be for naught.

Squats are one of the basic movements of the body. You do these when you need to stand up from a seated position, say, from a chair or from the floor. This makes squats relatively easy to learn. Some basic squat exercises for building muscle are:

Back Squat

To start off this routine, you first need to put the weights, preferably a barbell, safely across your upper back. Afterwards, position your upper body very, very slightly forward.

This way, you do not accidentally fall backwards from the heavy weight once you lower your body down. And to finally carry out the back squat, bend your knees slowly at first, and afterwards, gradually straighten your knees to bring your body up. The opposing weight not only develops multiple muscle groups but helps build strength as well.

Overhead Squat

Just like its name suggests, you perform the squats while simultaneously carrying the barbell above your head.

Repetitions are crucial for building muscle as well. And to avoid injuries, keep your elbows locked and your back rigidly straight whenever performing this routine.

Front Squat

This routine requires supporting the weights that are settled right across the top of your chest, while you simultaneously perform repetitions of squats. Because the weights are laid steady on the chest, then the chances of injuries to the carpals and the elbows are lesser.

2) Deadlifts

Deadlifts have long been employed for building muscle as well. Deadlifts require lifting a barbell from the ground to bring them just right below the pelvis. Now, to perform this routine, first start off with a very steady bent-over position.

Reach the barbell’s handles afterwards, and ensure a tight proper grip, before lifting the weights off the ground. Tension-related headaches are sometimes experienced by those building muscle using this technique.

So to avoid this, you need to implement proper breathing, that is, to inhale just right before you lift the weights, and exhale when you are finally lifting the barbell.

3) Straight Leg Deadlifts

Straight leg deadlifts are one of the more challenging routines for building muscle. But it is not without benefits as straight leg deadlifts develop multiple muscle groups, not just on the lower regions such as the glutes and hamstrings, but on the other regions such as the abdomen and shoulder as well.

For properly building muscle mass using straight leg deadlifts, first position your legs so that they are just a little apart. Lift the barbell off the floor afterwards, and very slightly bend both of your knees.

Now, bend forward without anymore angling your knees, while ensuring that your back is straight. Now, bring down the barbell just slightly above the floor, and slowly lift it back up. Again, proper breathing is crucial for this building muscle routine.

4) The Bench Press

The bench press is a popular routine for those serious with building muscle. This exercise is performed by carrying the weights while your back is against a bench, hence the name. Before performing the bench press, it would be best to have someone with you to serve as your spotter. This is especially true if the weights you intend to carry are considerable.

Now, to carry out the bench press, first lay on the bench with your face up. Your neck should be positioned directly below where the barbell’s handles are. Now, reach towards the barbell’s handles and ensure a proper and tight grip.

Slightly bend your elbows and lift up to bring the barbell upwards. You can replace the barbell or choose to carry on lifting without doing so. Just make sure your spotter is right there with you to assist you whenever necessary.

5) The Military Press

The military press is much like the bench press. But instead of lying with your back flat against the bench, you are sitting straight up while doing the routine.

Furthermore, building muscle through the military press requires the assistance of a spotter as well. This is because you will be lifting weights that are positioned slightly farther away than your shoulders. Having a spotter ensures you do not accidentally bring down the weights, and hit your head and injure you.

Now, to perform the military press for building muscle, you first need to sit with your back straight and pressed sturdily against the backrest of the equipment.

Now, reach backwards to hold and grip tightly the weights’ handles. Slowly lift the weights and carry it so it will be positioned just right above your head. Afterwards, bring the weights very steadily down, and let it slightly rest just right across your chin.

Lift up once more and perform repetitions. Let your spotter assist you in putting back the weights once done with the repetitions to ensure you avoid injuries from happening.

Building muscle requires supervision especially if you are unfamiliar with the routines described above. Of course, you can always just watch videos and read books. Just make sure these come from reliable sources, meaning, made by seasoned fitness trainers themselves.

Strength Building Video

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