Tips On How to Get Huge Arms – Biceps and Triceps

Everyone who ever picks up a weight soon develops the desire for a set of massive arms. It’s nearly unavoidable. Within a week after their first workout most guys are start for searching the secrets of how to get huge arms during every spare moment they have. Nearly everybody loves to stretch their shirt sleeves or even cut them off.

Unfortunately, many people go about their arm training all wrong. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when training for big arms is using the wrong exercises. Kickbacks and concentration curls will do very little to develop a set of impressive guns.

If you really want to know how to get huge arms, use my top ten biceps exercises and your arms will be exploding with new growth in no time.

How to Get Huge Arms – The Biceps

The 5 Best Bicep Exercises

1) Close Grip Chin Up

This is the king of biceps exercises because it allows you to use the most weight and move your body through space. Any time you can move your body through space, instead of just moving your limbs, there is a higher level of neuromuscular activation which leads to greater muscular development.

2) Barbell Curl

As far as isolation movements go, this is the best one there is when it comes to building big biceps.

3) Dumbbell Curl

Another isolation movement that is nearly the equivalent to the barbell curl. The added advantage is that when you can no longer complete another rep you can stop doing them simultaneously and switch to alternate curls to cheat a few more reps out.

4) Incline Dumbbell Curl

The added stretch here makes this a very effective bicep building exercise.

5) Hammer Curl

These target the brachialis muscle, which, when developed, can add a great deal of mass and thickness to the upper arm.

How to Get Huge Arms – The Tricep Muscles

You want to know how to get huge arms?

Train your triceps hard!

Although everyone focuses on the biceps, the triceps actually make up 2/3 of the upper arm and can really make your arms look enormous if you train them properly.

The 5 Best Tricep Exercises

1) Parallel Bar Dip

When it comes to proper triceps training, there is no better exercise than the parallel bar dip. Again, this is an exercise where you are moving your body through space instead of just moving your limbs. If you need proof of the effectiveness of dips you need to look no further than the incredible arm development of male gymnasts.

2) Close Grip Bench

This is another compound movement which will pack slabs of muscle on the triceps as it allows you to use a ton of weight.

3) Half Range Close Grip Bench Press aka Lockouts

This exercise is done by setting the pins in the power rack so that they stop the bar about a third of the way down from the top. This greatly overloads the triceps and allows you to use extremely heavy loads. The end result is that you will build huge horseshoe triceps.

4) Angled Bar Pushdown

I prefer the angled bar to the straight bar for pushdowns because it is much less stressful on the wrists and much more comfortable to handle heavy weights with. This is a highly effective isolation movement which is pretty easy on the elbows; a rarity for isolated triceps exercises.

5) EZ Bar Lying Triceps Extensions

This is another highly effective isolation exercise for the triceps. Unfortunately, this exercise can lead to elbow problems. For this reason it should be used less frequently than the others and the reps should be kept a bit higher; preferably in the 8-15 range.

Stop wasting your time with any arm exercises that are not on this list, immediately. Use those listed above and hit them hard and heavy. You won’t be asking anything else about how to get huge arms if you do that.

For specific set, rep, rest and frequency recommendations as well as months of workouts and other priceless information that will show you exactly how to get huge arms.

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