5 Quick and Easy Muscle Building Tips

Here are 5 random muscle building tips that may make a big difference in your training.

1) Keep To 5-6 Reps After Your Warm-Up Set

Your first set could consist of a very light weight for 10-20 reps just to get loosened up and get the blood flowing but beyond that you want to keep the reps low.

The reason for this is that you don’t want to build up too much lactic acid or accumulate too much fatigue with your warm ups.

2) Don’t Stretch Before Your Workout in the Hopes of Preventing Injury

This doesn’t work. The only benefit of stretching before a workout is to help you get into positions you might not be able to reach (such as a full squat) because you are tight in specific areas (such as the hamstrings and hip flexors).

But stretching for the sake of injury prevention is an outdated idea and doesn’t really work.

3) Don’t Over-analyze and Over-think Everything You Do in the Gym

This never gets you anywhere. Don’t worry if the incline of the bench is supposed to be 50 degrees or 55 degrees. Don’t worry that if you don’t supinate at exactly the right time that you won’t activate your biceps optimally.

Don’t stress out about the exact grip width on the bar. If someone tells you that a 16? grip on the bench press hits your triceps better than anything else, but because of an injury or anatomical difference you can only comfortably use an 18? grip, don’t sweat it.

People over-think themselves to death and they never get anywhere because of it. Go to the gym, get stronger, go home, eat, sleep and repeat. Don’t turn it into advanced calculus. That is one of the best muscle building tips I can give you.

4) Always Train Both Sides of the Joint With Equal Volume

Therefore if you do six sets per week of pressing exercises you need to do six sets per week of pulling exercises. If you do two sets of curls you should do two sets of triceps work. And so on and so on…

5) If You Can’t Get Your Forearms to Grow, Try Hitting Them With More Frequency than other Muscle Groups

They can easily be trained three times per week and recover without any problem. Also, try to hold the bottom stretched position of wrist curls for 3-5 seconds per rep.

When you finish training the forearms, hit them with a deep stretch for both the extensors and flexors for 30-60 seconds. These muscle building tips should get the forearms to grow.

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