The Best Foods For Building Muscle

The best muscle building foods are the foods that are made up of a completely balanced variety of both non-essential and essential amino acids.

The best muscle building foods that are made up of such a combination of amino acids, which is the ideal ratio necessary for muscle growth, are collectively known as complete proteins. Complete proteins are the best muscle building foods that you will find anywhere in the world.

Why We Need Protein for Muscle Growth

When you think about the best muscle building foods, it is important to keep in mind that protein is the essential raw material that is necessary for building muscle tissue.

Protein is made up of twenty different amino acids, which includes all nine of the essential amino acids. The body does not make the essential amino acids, so they must come from a well balanced diet. The body produces the additional eleven amino acids.

In order for your body to build muscle mass, you must have access to all of the amino acids, both non-essential and essential. Even though the non-essential amino acids are produced in the liver, the valuable essential amino acids are not produced in the body.

The essential amino acids must be supplied to the body through the protein that comes from including the best muscle building foods as part of a regular healthy, well balanced diet.

Proteins are not stored by the body as carbohydrates are. Instead, they are kept in a small, temporary pool in the bloodstream. In order to maintain and grow your muscles, it is important to provide your body with the best muscle building foods possible.

If you do not eat enough of the best muscle building foods and the body finds that an essential amino acid it needs is missing, it will break down tissues to get what it needs. In order to prevent such damage from occurring it is important to eat a regular diet that is packed with the best muscle-building foods that contain the essential amino acids that your body needs.

Salmon contains high levels of muscle building protein

A List of the Best Muscle Building Foods

A few of the most popular foods that are considered the best muscle-building foods include:

  1. Chicken
  2. Dairy products
  3. Eggs
  4. Fish, including shellfish
  5. Red meats
  6. Turkey

You can easily see the problem with the best muscle building foods. Because several of the best muscle building foods come from animal sources, they are also usually quite high in saturated fat.

If you are planning to eat some of the best muscle building foods at every meal, it is critical that you select the leanest of the best muscle building foods that you can find. Although low in fat, some foods are still considered some of the best muscle building foods, such as:

  1. Egg whites
  2. Lean red meat
  3. Lean meats, fish and poultry
  4. Low fat or Nonfat dairy products such as cottage cheese and skim milk
  5. Skinless chicken breast
  6. Turkey breast

Keep in mind that even the best muscle building foods are only able to do so much toward your overall health and well-being. It is important to maintain a regular exercise routine if you want to significantly build muscle mass.

The best muscle building foods are not a quick shortcut to muscles that are well defined. The best muscle building foods are simply an ingredient that mixes with exercise to create a body that is chiseled to perfection, and achieve the ultimate goal of overall good health.

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